Sunday, April 30, 2006



Tim had a job that many people thought of as bizarre. But people didn't realise how busy Tim actually was. The disappearance of refrigerators was an extremely frequent occurrence.
Many that Tim had tracked down had cracked and confessed that they had upped and left because they were disillusioned with life. Most, however, had eloped, although some had left due to their overwhelming aspirations to become a freezer, a washing machine, or a whole variety of other household appliances, and some had quite simply become irritated with their owners and had left to discover pastures new.
The refrigerators liked Tim, because he knew how to treat them right. They trusted him when he caught up with them, because he listened to them and sorted out their problems for them.
However, it has all changed now. News is arriving that Tim is dead.
The world of cold storage is in mourning for the only person who took notice and understood them.
How did Tim die?
The butler did it!

1 comment:

Valedon said...

This is a really nice blog.
Refrigerators, as you describe them, make me think of girls/women.
Have a lovely day.