Sunday, April 30, 2006



Tim had a job that many people thought of as bizarre. But people didn't realise how busy Tim actually was. The disappearance of refrigerators was an extremely frequent occurrence.
Many that Tim had tracked down had cracked and confessed that they had upped and left because they were disillusioned with life. Most, however, had eloped, although some had left due to their overwhelming aspirations to become a freezer, a washing machine, or a whole variety of other household appliances, and some had quite simply become irritated with their owners and had left to discover pastures new.
The refrigerators liked Tim, because he knew how to treat them right. They trusted him when he caught up with them, because he listened to them and sorted out their problems for them.
However, it has all changed now. News is arriving that Tim is dead.
The world of cold storage is in mourning for the only person who took notice and understood them.
How did Tim die?
The butler did it!

Friday, April 28, 2006



As Chris attempted to get to sleep, he heard more and more sounds, sounds trying to hinder his quest.
The steady ticking of his wristwatch was just about bearable. But the repetitive beats coming from next door drove him crazy. Nothing would cover the noise. People shouting outside. Babies screaming. Someone moving around upstairs. Dogs barking. Cars driving by. And then his doorbell rang, again and again and again. Why wouldn't they just fuck off?
He couldn't sleep.

So.. .
He killed himself.

Now. . .
He was asleep.


Thursday, April 27, 2006



Deep into the night

Until, eventually
It stopped

But the silence was much worse,
Much worse ...

I started barking again.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



Suck my cheese;
Scrape it out,
Put it on a plate;
Suck my cheese.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006



That’s what she called them.
Not from here though; according to her, they were from a long long way away.

Slightly loopy!
That’s what she was.
Not that I was completely dismissing her tale; I just wasn’t getting too concerned.

That’s what she reckoned.
Not that we’d notice; as they were apparently not visible to the human eye.

That’s what she said was coming.
Not that she was worried; she said she knew her time was coming, and that this was it.

I listened to her.
I comforted her.

But she was adamant it was happening now, and that they’d be here soon.

I didn’t believe her.
I killed her.

But she was right…

The marauders are here!
Death is here.

Monday, April 24, 2006



A river flowing silently through,
A river flowing steadily onwards
Meandering across the countryside,
Dissecting the trees and hills;

Little at the start,
Dribbling along;

Large at the end,
Gushing Forth;

A union at the meeting place,
The river and the sea;
Becoming one.